I haven’t ridden a bicycle since I was hit by a bus in Harlem on my bike over a decade ago, but recently I’ve been tempted to try riding a tricycle, as I’ve seen many on the beach and the design is well-suited to accommodate my hip-related injuries.

I started doing research on different types of tricycles, which I figured would be ideal because I wouldn’t have to lift my leg over a high bar or risk falling off and injuring myself (as I can’t have surgery unless it’s for life-saving purposes). At a nearby Open House a few weeks ago, a guy pulled up in a recumbent tricycle, and I asked him some questions about it to see how he likes it. He raved about it and insisted that I try his out. To my surprise, I didn’t like how low to the ground it felt — such a vulnerable position, especially in traffic.

So I asked my mom for a standing tricycle for my birthday (lol!), and she delivered. It has been SUCH A JOY to ride it on the beach with Abu in the basket in his favorite blankie. On our first ride, we rode to our usual haunts so Abu’s fans could see him taking a ride in the basket.

After our first beach ride, which was fortunately a success, I realized we would need more air in our tires, so I took Abu to fill up ’em up.

I peddled Abu in his blankie basket to American Beauty for lunch, and when I locked the bike to the bicycle stand, he refused to get out of his basket lol! He was so happy in the basket that he would not come out! So I had to wheel the whole tricycle into the restaurant’s courtyard to place our order and dine.

Then we locked up the bike to run some errands — it blew Abu’s mind that we could ride the bike places, lock it up, run errands, and then GET BACK IN THE BIKE OMG! He was so happy learning about tricycle life on the road.

I CANNOT recommend a tricycle enough — it’s SO FUN, like being a kid again, and Abu is SO OBSESSED too. Now several of my older neighbors have suddenly got one too (too funny!). I saw one of them trying out her new tricycle with her butch trainer, and the woman (who was about 70 or so) was screaming: “I FEEL LIKE A KID AGAIN WHEEEE!”)

Usually, I take Abu for a ride after my ocean swim and capoeira class, when it’s a bit cooler out and the day is winding down. My capoeira pants are lightweight and very stretchy, so they’re good for cruising.

He really seems like he’s in heaven when he’s riding on the beach’s bike path — the ocean breeze and other scents must be thrilling as they whiz by, in addition to all the sights to take in: dogs walking, people playing paddle tennis and basketball, the waves roaring and crashing, the chaotic crowds strolling the boardwalk…

These last two photos we took today as we ran errands after capoeira class and his morning beach stroll. He lets me know when he’s game for a ride, and I was so happy that today was one of those days (if he doesn’t want to do something, he growls when I propose it — he’s too smart and very communicative!). He also loves stopping for a photo and showing off his tricycle bliss for all to see!