Teaching Hieroglyphs in the Levant…

Learning Hieroglyphs in Beirut

Excavating hieroglyphs in Egypt (Photograph by Marianne Barcellona)

My students and I have been taking our love of learning hieroglyphs out of the classroom and into the world–the best classroom of all.  Recently, we deciphered more complex grammatical sentences on the inviting grass of our palm laden campus, and soon we will be jetting off on yet another field trip to go see traces of hieroglyphs that the ancient Egyptians themselves left behind in the Levant…

Be a scribe, and be spared from soldiering!
You call and one says: ‘Here I am.’
You are safe from torments.
Every man seeks to raise himself up.
Take note of it!

— Papyrus Lansing

Photo by Emily O'Dell

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