St. Jude’s in Beirut…

On my walk home tonight, I passed by the Children’s Cancer Center of Lebanon. It’s really different to walk by a hospital–when you know so many of the patients inside. This week, I got back to volunteering after a month hiatus, because I had been off working in Turkmenistan. While I was happy to see some familiar faces–my joy was bittersweet, since it meant some of the kids I know were still needing chemo.

This week-end, my activities with the kids focused on coloring. While I spent all my time coloring in the lines, they got a lot more coloring done (and it looked so much cooler) by coloring outside of them. I had forgotten how relaxing coloring can be.

Thankfully, due to the Center’s affiliation with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee and the rigorous research of doctors and scientists at the American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC), the Children’s Cancer Center of Lebanon has a survival rate of 80% for these amazing kids. They really teach us so much, every moment we are with them.

To make a donation online to support the treatment of my small friends, please click here.

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