Go to Mali…

Photo by Emily O'Dell

Emily O'Dell in Mali

I was happy to hear tonight from the founders of the Yeredon Centre pour les Arts Maliens–a creative oasis in Bamako–that despite all the turmoil over the past year, dance classes are still ongoing–and about 20 young Malians have been rehearsing for several weeks to stage Djamena Baba, a ballet set in the years around the death of the founder of the Ségou empire, Bitòn Coulibaly, whose grave can still be seen in Ségou today.

If you want to visit Mali, please think about staying at Yeredon, which has guest rooms for foreigners who want to learn about Malian culture, music and dance. Staying there will make your trip much more than just a vacation–it will be a true, artistic adventure.

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