For us capoeiristas, the play of capoeira transcends each occasion of its actual performance and translates to every moment in the life. Capoeira is not a costume to be worn and taken off according to the situation or tournament. It is our own skin. We carry it all the time. We are cats, rats and monkeys, ferocious and gentle beasts in cavalcade through the many circles of life; we are clowns, masters and slaves of the art who regain the freedom of ourselves only when cooked in the cauldron of Medea which is the play in the circle.
— Mestre Acordeon
When I wrote that capoeira is for everyone–regardless of age–I really meant it. And one of the people who most embodies the spirit of capoeira and its positive effects on the mind, body and spirit regardless of age–is capoeira master Mestre Acordeon. To celebrate his 70th birthday, Mestre Acordeon will be biking 14,000 miles from Berkeley to Brazil. He’s calling this 14,000 mile journey–which he’s hoping to complete in 400 days–“B2B.”I’m hoping to ride for 300 days and spend 100 resting, practicing capoeira and immersing myself in the culture of the countries I visit.
In addition to filming a documentary and TV series along the way–to explore the history and expression of capoeira throughout the Americas–Mestre Acordeon will be using funds donated for his ride for his philanthropic project, Projeto Kirimure–which offers capoeira classes for at-risk youth between the ages of four and sixteen from the neighborhood of Itapuã in Brazil. As we say in capoeira, “Axé!” But this Yoruba word doesn’t refer to a weapon. Axé–which is pronounced ah-shay and is difficult to translate into English–means “positive energy” or “life force.” And there’s no doubt that Mestre Acordeon’s B2B adventure will be generating a lot of it. You can follow his upcoming capoeira and biking adventure on his inspiring B2B blog–axé!